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Consent List

Okay, so I had an idea.

It's called "The Consent List".

Here's how it works...

When we're born, and we enter this world, we start this thing called life.  Now, as we get older, eventually we become of legal age to give consent to people for things.

That basically boils down to... People who we want to do things to us, and people we don't.

It's a bit like a bouncer at a club.  Either you're on the list and you are allowed in... Or you are NOT on the list...

So, this is The Consent List.

Basically as I meet people in life, there are one of two people when it comes to romance... Person A is...

I'm not intersted.  SO, you're not on the list.

Person B is... I'm interested... SO... You're on the list!

Now, what happens is, people start making lists.  Anywhere you go and anyone you meet, you can choose to do nothing, AKA not add them to the list... OR you can put them on the list.

At any point, you can also take them off.

So, let's say I go out to a club... And the bouncer lets me in.  Or a bar.

And at that bar, or club, I meet 50 people that night.  But there's one, or two ladies, who take my fancy.

Great.  I add them to my list.

Now they know that they have my consent.

HOWEVER, let's say both of them decided that at that bar that night, they didn't take their fancy to me.  So, I'm not on their list.

That means, I dig them, and they don't dig me.  But let's say they added 1 other guy each that was out that night... That guy now has THEIR consent.

See how this works?

Now, you can also choose to get an alert when someone adds you as an OKAY to their consent list.  Then you can decide  to consent back.

When you get two mutual consents... That's when you can now enter into something romantic.

BUT as long as there is only one consent per side, or none... Neither side can be romantic towards one another.

It would just be an app and people just make a profile.  And you just start building your list of people you consent to, and people you don't.

When you meet someone out on the town, you can add them, not not add them... But unless both people add one another.... there isn't consent.

Obviously this is for single people only... because if you're already married or in a relationship, you are already consenting to that one and only person that you decided to be with.

Also obviously the app goes away once you're in a relationship because you've already consented to the mutual person that you decided to be with.

SO this is only an app for single people who are looking to date and connect with other people.  It's not an online dating app as in you can't browse for matches... This is just for in person encounters or people you might meet in real life.

Two coworkers working together and one of the likes the other one and they are both single?

Add them to your consent list.  If they look it up and see it, they know.  If they don't... Oh well.

But basically you just build a list that people can look at.  If their name is on the list, should they not have the app, the person can choose to download the app and then consent back.

Like so for example, if I were to make my own list right now?

I would write on the app the people  who I give consent to...

I'm not ACTUALLY going to write it here, but, there are definitely 3 women I know, who I would totally consent to at the moment.

Should they be interested back.

Obviously I don't KNOW if they are or are not because... there isn't an app.

But if there were an app, it would be interesting to know who was out there giving consent.  Maybe it's none... That's probably most likely the case...

But, I mean, who knows... Maybe there's someone out there and she likes me and hasn't said a word, and I have no idea that she does like me...

And maybe I like her back, but I wouldn't say a word either...

But, I mean, we could both like one another, but we don't say anything because we don't know if the other person is or is not interested back, but we don't want to go blurt it out because what if they aren't interested back?

Then it's awkward.

Anyways, that's my idea.

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