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Jamming Of The Can

Yesterday I went to Can Jam.  It was pretty good.  Definitely had too much though, not TOOOO much, just a little more than I had planned.

I'm at Panera Bread now having some of their mac and cheese.  I just cleaned out some old oil containers from the garage.  It's crazy the amount of stuff I've throw out or recycled or donated, and there's STILL so much stuff.  Most of it is not actually my mom's stuff.  It's mostly because my mom would often let people store stuff at her house, or bring things over to have garage sales.  She loved having garage sales.

So, I went to Can Jam yesterday.  It's good fun.  My friend Cara always works the one food booth.  We chatted some.  I know her from Improv.

The music was good... Someone won the Kan Jam tournament.  Someone always does.  That wouldn't be a very good tournament if no one won!

Yesterday was weird actually... So, at the festival, I was standing near this one family and I had ear plugs in.  My ear plugs were visible to people because they were purple and sticking out of my ears.  Well, this teenage girl comes up to me and wanted to know where I got the ear plugs.  I said that I brought them from home.  She was disappointed because she wanted to buy a pair if they had them there.

Her dad then started talking to me saying how she had been saying it was too loud since they got there.  To be fair... It is too loud.  All concerts and clubs and bars are.  I bring ear plugs everywhere I go.  I can't tell you the number of times I've put ear plugs in.  Hundreds of times at least?  I told the dad that I got these ear plugs at Giant.  I said, "if there's one near here, you can run and get them real quick".

They all sat back down in the spot they were sitting on their chairs and blankets.  The girl pulled a blanket over her head in the chair she was sitting in.  I felt bad.  So, I started to pull up the nearest Giant on my phone.  There was one only about two miles away.  I decided that I was going to go get a box and give her a pair.

Just then the song ended and the band currently on stage had completed their set.  Her parents started packing things up.  I guess they had finally decided to just head home.  That was thing number one.

Number one part B was as I was leaving there was a lady with her dog and her car was broken down.  Triple A was having trouble finding her.  Or the guy was a new driver.  I offered to give her a jump.  She told me that it wasn't the battery.  I said okay and then went on my way.

Number two happened after the concert when I decided on my way home to stop in Phoenixville to work on my book a little.  The scene I'm working on now is a conversation about nails.  The main character is asking her friend's advice about painting her nails.  Because what romantic comedy is complete without a conversation about getting nails painted?

Anyway, I write a little, then my food comes and I have my burger and beer.  Well, these two kids sit down who are Bloomsburg University students.  I start chatting with them, or rather they started chatting with me.  They are both seniors and are IT related majors wanting to get jobs in IT.  I said that I've been in IT for ten years now.  They started asking me all about what it's like to work in IT.  I answered their questions for a while and we talked about information tech related things.  Then the one guy started to kind of pass out sitting up.  He kept putting his head down.  They ordered an Uber but the one guy wasn't sure if it actually was coming since the guy who was nearly passed out, but was mostly just kind of sleepy, was the one who had Uber.  The other guy had never used it before.  The bar tender helped them outside to wait.  I kind of ended up going with them.  While we were waiting... The Uber just didn't seem to be showing up.  He then asked if I would be able to give them a ride if it never showed.

I said sure... We waited some more, still a no show and the other kid was out cold in the chair.  He asked me if I could give them a ride.  I said I'd go get my car.  When I came back they were gone.  It was weird, the second time my attempt to help has been foiled.

Well, I went down after that to see if some friends were at the Pickering Creek Inn.  I ended up chatting with one guy about yoga.  He'd gotten into it years and years ago.  We shared our experiences about the benefits of the practice and such.  We were outside enjoying the cool air and chatting.  As we were leaving we walked back into the bar to find a few guys carrying a passed out drunk lady.  Now, I started suggesting that maybe if she's that badly out cold, maybe she should be taken to the hospital.  Alcohol poising is scary and real.

The one guy got really upset.  He was like running around kind of getting in people's faces about no one say anything.  He said that he was her husband and that he didn't want anyone telling him what he should do with his wife.

He kind of came up to me when I said to consider just having her checked out since she wasn't conscious.  He basically just kept saying they had been at a wedding and she had too much to drink.  But he was going around to people saying that no one saw anything.

I mean, I'm fairly certain nothing illegal was really happening, if it was indeed his wife.  But, it was a little fishy.  He came up to me and kind of chest butted me and gave me a quick dead arm, a weak one at that, but he was trying to flex his nutsac I guess.

I hate guys like that.  But it's interesting that apparently his wife must love guys like that, since they are married.

My thing is though, how I was the only person who was kind of like, I don't know about this.  Everyone else gladly helped to put her in the backseat of the SUV he and his friend had pulled up.

I'm just like... SO, no one else has an issue with this?  I was the only one.

But it was attempt three to help that was foiled.

I think this is why I tend to date the Resident Assistant type of girl.  I like to be a helper.  I'm certainly not the kind of guy who goes around telling people  to keep their mouths shut and they didn't see anything.

I mean, heck, generally I like to tell the world about things.  To me... If you're not doing anything shady... Why hide things?  You know?  I mean, if your wife passed out because she had too much to drink.  Why are you going around threatening to beat people up?  Seems shady.  Maybe he just does that for everything though.  I've met people like that.  Just the macho guy who wants to pick fights for no reason.

Well, anyways... After that I just headed home.

Weird night for sure.  I didn't meet the love of my life... But I did meet some interesting people.  I think it's funny how a guy who stuffs his passed out drunk wife into the backseat of an SUV and runs around punching people and telling them that "they didn't see nothing" is married... I guess there's someone for everyone.  Who knows...  I feel like if I ever get married, and my wife loses consciousness in a bar... I'd probably want an ambulance called.  I would want someone to do the same for me.

My worry is what if she wasn't his wife?  That she was maybe just someone he picked up at the wedding.  Or, another bar.  And here she is passed out unconscious, and here's a guy with a few of his friends taking this woman who is not conscious... Off away in his SUV.  That's a scary thought.  And then I did nothing.  I did write down the license plate just in case.  You never know.

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