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So, I just had to stop talking to a girl I was going to possibly meet this Thursday for a date.  She kept insisting on going on some big time "fun" date in the city.  Basically that means, she's not really interested in any kind of real connection... She just wants free drinks and food.

It happens a lot.

I've been on thousands of first dates from dating sites... I know the game by now.  So, I cut her off.  I've wasted probably somewhere around 20 to 30 thousand dollars on first dates.  City girls, especially, are the worst.

They want to be wined and dined without even so much as meeting in person to see if there's even a connection.

I just don't do it anymore.

If a girl won't meet half way, for coffee, and we each pay our own.  She's just interested in free drinks.

It sucks, but it is what it is.  You gotta know when she's simply in it to get free stuff, or when she's sincere.

This girl wasn't sincere.

If they want to go out on the town for the first date and rack up a big bar tab for the guy to pay... She's not worth it.  Run away as fast as possible in the opposite direction and delete her number.

A truly genuine person would be willing to meet for coffee half way for a first date and talk to see if there's a connection in person.

I meet a fair amount of these women... The problem of course is that they are always deal breaker Christian women who refuse to date a man who won't convert over to Christianity... In honor of my mom since her and my grand parents have left this planet and my brother and sister have converted over to different religions.... I'm a Jew and I plan to stay a Jew.  Someone in the family has to keep it going.  So, maybe one day I'll meet a cute Jewish girl and we can have a couple of kids and hopefully at least one of them will stick with it to keep it going.  Not that there's anything wrong with Christianity... If I were born into a Christian family it would be a non issue...

But, I gotta respect my mom... That's like the number one rule in life... Respect your mom.  And my mom always told me "You need to find yourself a nice cute Jewish girl".  So, that's my plan.

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