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Fire and Wine

Last night I had a couple glasses of this Spanish Tempranillo wine.  I started the bottle two nights ago, and still have a good amount left (I'll probably drink a little more tonight).  It takes me forever to drink a bottle of wine.  Anyways, I also made empanadas and had some other snacks by the fire.  I just kind of watched the moon and sat by the fire.  Enjoying the calm...

See, here's the thing... I was thinking about how a lot of people, like everyone in Florida, and the Caribbean Islands, would really do anything to have that calm.  To have power and running water on in the house, AC, washer and dryer working, fridge running, oven working...  A lot of people don't have that at the moment, and maybe it's a temporary thing, and maybe it's going to be a much longer ordeal.

So, I mean, those calm nights can be nice when all things are considered out in the world.

Hmmm okay soo I had this wine... My plan was to have enough to have the "liquid courage" to do some poking around on social media.  I fell asleep instead and woke up with 3 cats cuddled up around me, one was basically on my head and another to the left and the third to the right.

BUT, I did take a look at my analytics today... Soo I KNOW that Miss Plantation didn't get scooped up Dorothy from Wizard of Oz style at least.  I read a bunch of news articles about how 10 million people lost power.  So, I mean, odds are, there's no power.  Which would mean no AC, which would mean if you did lose power it's hot as balloons wherever you are hiding out from this storm...  See, these are the things I think about.  Hopefully you have bucket loads of ice.

At least you're surviving enough to tap buttons on your phone!  Which means you have all your arms and fingers and what not.  It's comforting to know that you weren't scooped up in a hurinado/tornadicane.

Anyways, I don't know... I had some very strange dreams last night which involved being in the hurricane thing.  I had a dream that I was sleeping over in the Hemingway house with their 54 cats... Probably because of the wine and my own 3 cats sleeping all around me.

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