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International Women’s Day

Today is International Women's Day.  I'm glad that this seems to be gaining steam and is more recognized than it was even just a few years ago.

I feel though, that it's gaining steam because of the recent events with the election... But if that's what it takes to reach equality, then that's what it takes.

I found this article mentioning 7 things to be optimistic about.

I feel like as a society it's a bit ridiculous that we aren't ALREADY at the point where everyone is on an equal level, but hopefully we'll get there sooner rather than later.

So, I just wanted to post that article.  I liked its positive tone and optimistic outlook about the future.  We just have to keep working to continue to make the changes needed to make the world a better place for future generations or women.

As a guy... I guess it's hard for me to really say much here because it's impossible for me to REALLY understand or grasp what it's like to be a woman in the world.  SO I guess the best I can say is... Just that I'm ready and willing to help and be open minded and try to do whatever it takes to help the change along.

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