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So, my go to cooking oil is usually extra virgin olive oil, or EVOO.  I cook with that like ALL the time.  Tonight I made this spicy sausage thing in pasta sauce with some garlic bread.  The other night I made salmon with pasta.

Cooking is relaxing... Not just for me, it's a fact.  Cooking is just good for your health.  If you google cooking and health, you'll find a whole bunch of articles.  People who take the time to cook at home generally tend to cook healthier meals, but there's always just some sort of relaxing effect as well... In my case, it's probably the glass of wine that I'm having while I cook.

Oh, so tonight I got home after work, and there was this odd shaped package on my porch.  No lie, it looked like some kind of weird homemade who knew what.  I refused to touch it.  I called the information on the return address to verify that it was safe to open.

Turns out it was two gift pint glasses from Cafe Press as a thank you for helping out with the fair.  That was the night I met Fort Lauderdale Mallory and her friends.  Never to be seen or heard from again.  Who knows, maybe a few years from now I'll be in some situation where we cross paths again.  I guess you never know with life.  I certainly don't know where I'll end up in 2 years, or 5 years.

If I can ace this trading stuff and make mucho moneys from it... I'll probably spend a good amount of money on traveling.

See, here's my thing, today I found out that this one actor got married at 42 and then had a kid like in 2013... Or something.  He was born in like 1961.  Here I am looking at all my friends getting married and having kids... and they are in their 20s and 30s... But here's this celebrity getting married in this 40s and then having a kid.  SO, my attitude now is just like, I got time.

Here's the game plan now, make dinner in the evenings, drink some wine, work on music, study trading stuff... Figure out how to make that 100 grand a year income target from trading...


Worry about meeting that special someone when I meet her.

Maybe it won't happen for another 2 or 3 or 5 years.  Maybe I NEED to travel to meet her.  Here I was thinking I would meet her going out to events and thins around Philly... Maybe she doesn't even live ANYWHERE near Philly, maybe she's NEVER even been to this area.  That would explain why I've never met her.

You know?

I think it's a good explanation.  And I think it's a good plan.

Anyways... all that aside, my plan for right now is to go to the gym, and then the store to grab a few small things, and then back home to have a beer in my brand new pint glass!

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