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Today I went to a new coffeeshop... the name of the place is 'feine.

It's a super cool little place.  I love it!  Okay, so it's not my list of places I plan to go to... But it's still a neat little place.  I'd never been, but had been meaning to go for some time, and it was close to the yoga place.

So, the coffee is REALLY good.  I'll say that.  Second off... The seating is really neat too.  They have these old tables that are scattered about between two rooms behind where the coffee bar is.  So, it's almost like it used to be someone's apartment or house, and you walk into the living room, and then order, and then walk into the second room where you can sit, or you can continue back and sit in the tucked away second back room.

It's just neat because each time you go, you can alternate between rooms and have a different experience.

Trust me, when you go to coffee shops over and over again, sometimes having just one room makes things a little dull.  That's why it's good if you have a second room, or an upstairs or something.  Then you can change things up and go up or downstairs depending on the mood.  Or you can sit right up front or in the way back room if you want more or less action happening.

I sat in the first room.

The thing i like though is there are lots of spaces to sit.  Some coffee places are like... You ask where to sit and they point to some bench that isn't really a bench it's like a stool in the shape of a bench and it's up against a window and you have half a foot of table space that isn't really a table but some kind of strange shelf or something.

And you're like... Umm... okay.

And they just shrug and help the next customer.

Those are really the places though where it's meant to be a stop in and grab a to-go cup before betting back to work.

I like the nice little sit down place good for cold and snowy or rainy days.  Lots of tables, wifi, bathrooms, a fireplace.... You know.  All the coffeeshop amenities.

An upstairs door that leads to another world... That type of stuff.

So, this place has it all.  Well, it doesn't have the door that leads to another world, but I mean... Besides that, it's got it all.

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