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Rearranged A Little

Tonight I rearranged a few things in my kitchen while I was making dinner.  I now have a much better space on the counter to prep things next to the stove/oven.  I moved a few items around, and cleaned some.  I also made a little spot for my wine collection (all 5 bottles).  I DEFINITELY need to get one of those wine racks I think.  Or, I may just go with a wine chiller.  I cleaned a good amount too.  So, overall things are looking much better in the kitchen.

My next plan is to replace the fridge.  I've started doing research.  I'm slowly compiling a list of fridges and places I want to buy it from.  I have a few favorites so far.  I really want to spend  my money wisely on a good fridge and don't just want to buy some random one.  My plan is to eventually replace all the appliances in the kitchen and laundry room.  So, then I'll have a new fridge, stove, dishwasher, and washer/dryer combo.  I then want to refinish the cabinets and then redo the flooring along with the counter tops.

I've got this long range grand master plan.  It all starts with a new fridge though.  Just one thing at at time.  I'm in no rush.  At this point it's not a money or funding issue, it's just a matter of.... Every change I make in this house is tough.  I mean, when I replace something, it's different.  It's new.  It's not something that my mom once used or touched.  So, it's a small bit of her and the time that we had together while she was alive, slowly being replaced.  It's weird and hard to explain.  But my mom was all about putting work into this house, so it's just strange to make changes without her input.  Like, I know, it's my house now to do with how I see fit, but I still just feel like it's part her house too.  But we'll see what I decide to do.  Tonight I changed the counter space around and I REALLY like it SOO much better now.

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