BennyEast.Com/Blog The official blog of Kenny West



So, I have a house guest.  It's my friend Andrew.  I usually stay at his house on the way to Maine.  He wanted to come down here for a couple days to attend a few Mets Vs. Phillies games.  I said... No problemo!  Mi casa es su casa.  Or something like that.

So, we're just chilling.

House guests are actually nice because it gives you that outside eye and makes you look at everything in a different way... AKA what do you need to clean.

Tonight was my third acting class.  I LOVE it.  It's so much fun.  My next goal is to get headshots and then get cast in something small and start building an acting resume.

We'll see.  I've also been communicating with my trustee on a business proposition.  Basically what I proposed is that...

They hook me up with industry contacts in Hollywood.  In exchange for that (and I'm not sure if it's even possible, so it might not even be possible), we create a sub company within the trust that the trust then purchases 100 percent of the shares of that company.

Then the trust basically becomes 100 percent lender/investor in that company.  Then that company  makes an investment in me... As an artist.

Then when I make money from my creative ventures... I return that money to the company... The company then books those as profits.  And then perhaps the company can pay out a dividend and the dividend then goes to the shareholders...

100 percent of which are owned by the trust.  SO the trust realizes income from that company in the form of a dividend.

So, let's say that the bank can hook me up with... Let's say someone at the bank knows Katy Perry for example.  Or Kanye West.  Or maybe it knows any other major recording artist.

Then that recording artist and myself record a song.  We then release the song.  And sell the song...

Let's say the song realizes a million dollars in profits.  And let's say myself and that artist split the profits... Like... maybe 50/50.  So then... a half million dollars goes back into the company that the trust owns.

Then that company now pays for me to make more music.  Or maybe it now pays for me to audition for a movie.  I get the part.  Let's say that part pays 2 million.  I then put that 2 million paycheck back into the company and then maybe the company pays a dividend back to the trust of... let's say a quarter of all its quarterly profits.

So... Basically instead of myself being employed or contracted by a movie, or my books that I sell, or my music...

The company that I'm CEO of and the trust is 100 percent share holder... Then realizes 100 percent of my income as an actor/musician/writer.

What's in it for the bank?  They get to manage the trust portfolio and also realize an annual fee... on those trust assets.

Just like a portfolio manager could buy shares in any publicly traded company within the trust... He could buy 100 percent of the shares of my media company that I am the CEO of that company.

As that company grows in value, so do the shares.

I act.  I write.  I make music.  The company itself pays for my travel expenses.  But it also get s income on behalf of my work.

But I also get paid a small salary as CEO.

Ideally, I use the bank's industry contacts to help me start a career in music, books, movies...

And then in return, the bank gets to manage my money for me... Within the trust.

I mean, it's a pretty fantastic and kind of crazy, networking opportunity... But it just might work.

Basically... I want to make music, write books, and act in movies...

SO in short what I told the trustee was... You're a bank in Beverly Hills, and maybe you know people.  If you DO know people... Let's work together to see what we can make happen.  You know?

It might be a terrible idea.  I really honestly have no idea what I'm doing here.

Oh... For the acting class though, there's no acting class next week because the acting class teacher is going to be at a premier.  It's down at the UA Riverview theaters in South Philly... She actually worked on the movie.  She did the casting for the movie!  How cool is that?

I think I'm going to go.  She said we didn't have to go.  She just mentioned it.  But I really want to go to show support.  The name of the movie is Voiceless.

So... Yeah.  We'll see where all this goes.  Of course next Friday I have that IT networking event up at the Steel Stacks in Bethlehem.  I'm just all over the place these days!

But I mean... It's fun.  I'm really enjoying being active.  Just trying to do as much as I can with my days these days.  Be productive and active.  Work hard, play hard... All that good stuff.  Try to network as much as possible and see what opportunities come up.

You never know where things might lead!

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