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Magic Coffee Table

This video is pretty funny.  For the record though, if I were in a relationship with a girl and she lived with me... I would reverse this and always be willing to take initiative and clean up and do laundry and dishes.

In fact, I'd see to it that communication were open and she could always ask me what's up with anything around the house.  Not that she WOULD have to ask because just like in this video for the guy with things being done for him "magically"... I'd do everything for the girl without her even asking.  So she would just be like... "Wow... My laundry was done for me, the dishes were done, the house was cleaned... Even my favorite meal was cooked and waiting for when I came home!"

But, that's if I had a girlfriend... Sadly, at the moment, I don't.  So I just keep things tidy around the house for myself and the cats.


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