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I Guess I Just Don’t Understand The Appeal

So my aunt emailed me today to ask if I was coming to the reunion.  She wrote this big long email...

I emailed back a big long email about how I have to work.

She made it sound like this event is the most important thing in the world.  Or not the event, but the "new additions" are important.

My thing is... I could care less.  I REALLY could.  Here I am some single person.  I don't want to meet some new husband or wife of someone else.  Good fucking job.  Here's a cookie.  No get out of my face.

I don't want to see your kid that you made because you were lucky enough to finally meet someone and fall in love.

Really?  Don't shove that shit all up in my face and flaunt it.  Good for you.. But I REALLY don't give a shit about your accomplishments.

Maybe if I were married or had kids... Okay fine because then it's like oh look we both have the same thing.

But because I'm single.  That's like showing off your new sports coup to someone that can't even afford a car in the first place.


You don't do that.  You don't show off shit that you KNOW someone else wants and doesn't have.

To me?  That makes you a pompous asshole.

Anyways I'm glad I have to work.  I'm glad I can't go.  I'd just be sitting there the whole time in my head thinking... "That's nice, here's a cookie" every-time someone wants to show off their significant other or kid.

I really don't care.  I REALLY don't.  You're annoying.  Go away.

Now, if the reunion were like out at some bar somewhere and there were other single girls in the vicinity.  Or if there were a rule that for every married couple and every kid, they have to bring a single girl and single guy for the other single girls and single guys to mingle with.  I can agree with that.

But to me?  It's like... I just don't want to sit there and be forced to "praise" your accomplishments.

You know what other act is similar?  Where someone is forced into a position they don't want to be in?

It's called rape.

So, basically in a way.  You're raping me with your significant other and children.  Because you're unwillingly forcibly shoving your shit in my face.

So I don't have to feel as though I'm having my dignity raped out of me by your accomplishments that I really don't give a flying shit about and could care less.

Anyways, so I'm glad I have to work.

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