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A Follow Up To 100 Days: Wawa coffee

So some of my friends over the years have said.... Oh it sounds like you're comparing the girls you meet to the photography girl.

Which isn't true.  She was just the only girl so far that made me feel all crazy in love when I was around her.  So I'm not looking for another HER... I'm looking for a girl that gives me butterflies like that.  That I wanted more and more with each thing I found out about her.  That I just liked everything about her and always wanted to be around her more and more.

Here's an analogy...

The photography girl was like Wawa coffee.  I'd never had Wawa coffee before I met her.  Or... Rather... I'd never had caffeine.  She's caffeine.  Or that feeling that she produced inside of my heart is caffeine rather.  But the form of caffeine.  AKA those love feelings...

Were in the form of Wawa coffee.  Because the photography girl is Wawa coffee.

Following?  Ok good.  Stay with me...

As we all know, caffeine comes in other forms.  So... I just have to find another brand of coffee... OR... another drink all together that contains that feeling that Wawa coffee gave me in the form of caffeine.  Remember Wawa coffee is the photography girl...

So I'm simply looking for... another drink out there that has the same caffeine feeling just in aonther packaging.  AKA a different girl in a different body with a different personality and hairstyle and whatever... Different interests... Who knows...

But deep inside her core... When we collide paths on this planet and I sip.  I feel the same feeling I got from Wawa coffee... even though it's NOT Wawa coffee.

Same feeling that the caffeine in Miss Wawa coffee gave me.... Different drink.

THAT'S what I'm looking for.

I don't want to settle for just having water.  Or a soda.  And not feeling that caffeinated love feeling that I got from Wawa coffee.

That is all.

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