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Misty-rita Monday

Yesterday was a full day.  I had to get up early to take my cat Misty to the vet to get a teeth cleaning.  Now all the cats are checked up and their teeth are cleaned and my wallet can hopefully take a breather.  Until their checkup next year.

I have 4 cats: Curio, Misty, Fluff, and Faith.  I should post a little blog about them in the future... Like a little bio about each one.  They each do have a unique quirky little cat personality.

I dropped Misty off early and then picked her up after work.  In order to clean a cat's teeth they have to do a general anesthetics thing.  This means I had to keep the cat from eating starting at 10pm the night before.  It's a whole thing.  Then I had to chase her around the next morning to get her in the cage and then comfort her as she meowed all the way to the vet.

Of course when she got home she was all sorts of tipsy and had trouble walking around.  I eventually got her to sit with me in the living room in my mom's old reclining chair.

This brings me to the evening of my day... While Misty sat next to me I slurped down a tasty margarita in honor of National Margarita day.  My friend Jen came over and we went out to the store to pick up ingredients to make an avocado, fresh squeezed lime and cilantro margarita.  They were soooooo good.  We also got some taquitos.  Then we just hung out and watched some Netflix.  Curio hung and Faith hung out with her and Misty and Fluff hung out with me.

Here's the YouTube video of how to make the drink...



Oh and here's a video of Misty being "drunk" after her teeth cleaning.



On a side note... I had another... "Thanks ex" moment today at work.  Seriously... This girl... It's like she was a muse for so many creative works of art of mine... and now she's still helping me at work.  We haven't even spoken in forever and a day.  And she has no clue that I still have her on my mind pretty much daily.  What can you do though?  Oh well.  Sometimes some people just stick with you in your memory.

I would argue she was probably the most influential person I've ever crossed paths with on this planet so far.  I'm pretty sure no one I'll ever meet will top how inspirational and influential she has been for me.  But... I guess you never know.  Could be someone new right around the corner that will completely change my whole world....

I won't hold my breath.

Anyways so the issue was that isn't working.  We received an email that the site seemed to be down and that it had been down for a few weeks.

I was suspicious of this.  So I used my sleuthing skills to do some detective work.  I decided that it just wasn't possible for a site... Especially one so widely used in the education industry, to be offline for more than a few hours at most.  It just wasn't feasible.

Any business or organization has bills to pay.  They have to keep the lights on.  They have to keep income coming in.  They have employees that work for them who have paychecks to be paid.  Etc. etc.

From their website:

"Turnitin employs over 300 people on five continents.
Here are some of our people working to make a difference in education."

Obviously they wouldn't just allow their site to go offline for a few weeks.  Since their business model kind of relies on it.

Was the site not working?  I tested it out on my own computer.  It was true.  The site didn't work from my computer.  I tried another computer.  No dice.  So it's not the computer.  Then I had a thought...  I'll use a proxy site.

Here's where the ex comes in...

So, I have to admit... Her plan didn't work as well as she'd hoped.  She used to use a site, at least the last time I actually glanced at my Google Analytics, which was like a year ago at least or maybe more, she used this site to read my blog...

It basically let's you redirect your traffic to allow the page to be proxy loaded.  Unfortunately for her I was able to piece together some things here and there by scouring my analytics data (because I was hopelessly in love with her and would spend hours going over my analytics data in hopes to figure out if she was still reading my blog because it meant in some way, shape, or form she was still thinking about me... I know... I know... But, that's what love does.  Don't fall in love.  It makes you do things you wouldn't normally do.) to figure out that it was her using the site to make it look like she wasn't reading my blog.  I knew it was her because I found one little tell-tale sign that the site didn't hide that gave her away.

And then I thought it was kind of super attractive because she was a smarty pants enough to know about hiding your browser analytics by using a proxy site.

Intelligence is so hot.  Especially nerdy geeky computer sleuth intelligence like that.

When a girl figures out how to use a proxy service to hide her browser from analytics collection?

Oh goodness.  Yes.  Holy goodness.  So attractive.  Which was the opposite effect she probably wanted to happen because the point of her using a proxy site to hide her trace was because she DIDN'T want me to know she was reading it.

Because she wanted to make sure I was moving on and wasn't still posting about how in love with her I still was... Etc. etc.

Oh well... That's how love works.  Once you fall... As The Police say... Every little thing she does is magic.

Am I the only one that just finds smarts so attractive?

That girl... she was something special...

Anyways... So I showed my boss using the proxy service site that the site was indeed loading.  To which he replied "Well... Look at you... Fancy boy.  But how do you know it's not just loading a cached version of"

To which I replied... "Good point."

Then we tested the site using some other alternative methods.

We hooked up our alternate Comcast line.  The site works.

This left us with two possible culprits.  It's the ISP... or the firewall.

We checked our firewall settings inside and out and there is nothing that could possibly be blocking that site.  Given that we recently had an issue with our ISP going down...

We decided they were the likely culprit.  Currently we have a ticket open with them.  So I guess time will tell.


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