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Adjustable Size TV

So last night I had a dream about a new TV that could actually change sizes depending on the space you put it in.  So if you had a wall unit of some sort or a table or desk or whatever the space was you would push the size button on it and it would change to fit the space.

See now THAT is a good idea!  I'm pretty sure this was in the future or something.  But they only sell one tv in the store.  And that was this TV.  So you didn't bother to buy different sizes.  You just bought this one TV and then brought it home and it would size itself to fit.

I think whoever thinks of how to make that idea a reality will be rich beyond their wildest dreams.  I mean think about all the times that you move and you have to try and fit the TV into a new space.  The same TV could stay with you through college and all your post college move around a whole bunch to different apartments and then to your first home... etc. etc.  Until you save up enough money to buy the next generation of adjustable size TV.  It could be a real thing in the future.  My dreams could be all prophetic and such!  You never know.

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