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They should make a book with great places to have a picnic

So I'm sitting here in Barnes and Noble writing my book.  I think the other books are getting jealous.  They can see some of the words I'm typing down and I think they are all thinking... maaaaaaaaaan... I can't compete with that!

But seriously... other books: you're cool too!  All books have something to offer!  So don't worry.

Anywho so while I'm writing my book... I had a thought for a cool book...

"Awesome top places to have picnics"

I kinda want to go on a picnic this summer and I was thinking THAT would be soooo coool if there were a book that had like maybe the 100 best places to have picnics.

Then you could go on a summer long super awesome mega road trip and hit all the hot spots for summer sun picnics.

Just driving around listening to some good tunes and then stopping off for a nice good old fashioned picnic.

I think that would be pretty super swell.

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