BennyEast.Com/Blog The official blog of Kenny West


5 day break next week off of work

Next week I have easter break!  I'm excited.  I'm off on Thursday and Friday and Saturday and Sunday and Monday.

How sweet is THAT!?!?  Well... it's even sweeter for you peeps out there on the interwebs world because I plan to finish my first short animation comedy video.  As well I plan to really work hard on my next song to see how close I can come to finishing that too.

What else is going on?

Well Friday evening I want to check out the art after  5 thing at the art museum.  I think that sounds like a TON of fun.  So I'm going to check that out.

What else?

Well Thursday and Friday and Saturday I plan to just work on the video all day.  If I finish it on any of those days I'll move to working on my new song... hopefully Saturday will be the post date.  Then after the song I'll start working on my next VLOG and my next video which I've been writing down ideas for that.  I ALSO want to work on a music video for my pirate song using the same production method I'm using for this comedy video.

You have no idea HOW much I want to just post it up now!  But... I just have to finish a few more things on it.  When it's up... I'll post it all over my blog here.  So My very very last date of no return is midnight of next saturday.  It seems like forever and a day away... but it's just a week and a day.

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