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If I could be a cat instead of a human for a week I might consider it

So if I could trade places for a while with an animal or something... maybe just like a week...

I'd trade spots with a cat.  Well as long as the owner was good at taking care of me.  I mean that would just be sweet.  I'd get fed and watered and have a place to do my business.

And then at the end of the day I'd have a nice warm bed with someone to curl up next to.

I don't know... I mean it would be pretty sweet.  I definitely need a nice big window with a warm sunny spot and a couch or something to sleep near during the day.  Maybe every now and then there would be a visitor or two and I could brush up against them and get them to pet me.

Ya know just act all cute and innocent... like hey I'm a cat here... pet me!

And then maybe every now and then I can chase around some string.... and maybe get one of those awesome little pet treats.

I mean is that NOT the life?  I think it pretty much is.

So yea let's just say I'm a little jealous of pet cats.  They got the life!

Sleep, eat, affection.  It's a pretty sweet deal.

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