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A typical day in the life of me

I wasn't going to blog tonight because that MASSIVE NYC B-Day blog wore me out.  Actually I wasn't going to blog for like a week... but I figured eh what the hay, I'll write something anyway.

Here's a little blog post about my typical work week day, much like how today went.  OK, just a fair warning... this is probably really not all that interesting.

7-8am: Wakey wakey

So this is when I wake up (but unlike that System of a Down song that was on the radio like 6 or 7 years ago I don't put on a little make up, although my keys usually do sit on a table... so they got that part right at least).  The wake up usually takes a long while... see also: blog about my new alarm system from 2 blogs ago.

8-8:30am: breakfast/shower/Get dressed/pack lunch box

Let's see order of operations (mathematics reference for any PEMDAS fans out there): 1. Eat a bowl of Kashi Heart to Heart cereal with glass of OJ and blueberries in the Kashi... or something like that. 2. Shave 3. brush teeths and mouth rinse and all that jazz 4.  Shower (so fresh and clean) 5. get dressed 6. pack up lunch 7. pack up other things like my nook or whatever else I might need into my backpack. 8 make sure all lights are off and all that then out the door.

8:30-9:00am drive to work....

vrrrrmmmmmmmm.... I dunno, I drive, I listen to music... I stop at lights when they are red, I go when they are green.  I get cut off by some drivers who seem to be in a hurry and I get let in by others who seem to have all the time in the world.

9am-5pm Work work work work work.

I'm one of those 9-5ers... sooooooooo I work all day.  It's alllll so exciting.  I do the helpdesk gig.  People ask me computer related questions and I answer them.  It's fun.  I work with fun super awesome cool peoples.

5:30 or 45 if there is traffic.

Vrrrrrrrm.... same thing as in the morning, but I do it in reverse.  Ok well not really, that would be pretty challenging to drive backwards all the way back from work to home.  I'd probably get pulled over.

One time I went to this race in the backwoods of Maine one summer and they did a backwards hotdog race.  The ENTIRE race was driven backwards around this loop for however many laps.  Then every 10 laps they had to park the car, get out, eat a hotdog then drive more.

It was kinda weird.  But then again... it was the backwoods of Maine and I was like 11 at the time.  I didn't really pay attention, I just played my gameboy the whole time trying to get a new high score on Tetris.

5ish 6pm onward...

Usually I make something for dinner.  Stirfry, pasta, some chicken, maybe a wrap or burrito or taco... or if I am lazy order some pizza.  I do dishes... those have usually piled up.  I sometimes just come home and fall asleep for a few hours.

Usually I'll watch something on netflix.  Play some guitar.  Maybe go for a run.  There's always laundry.  Or who knows maybe some coffee and blogging at the Gryphon.  I might read on my nook.  I might do an open mic.

Sometimes my Mom has random things for me to do so I stop at her house and carry something from upstairs to downstairs, then the next night she'll ask me to carry it back upstairs again.  I think it's just an excuse to see me.  But maaaaaaaybe she really just needs things carried up and down stairs over and over again.

Sometimes I clean the turtle tank... etc.

I might go to the grocery store or get gas in my car.  I did the whole get gas thing tonight.

I like to try and work on creative things.  But sometimes I start things and then it just fizzles out and I file it away in my drafts folder.

I have a LOT of started projects!  haha... so if anyone is good at finishing projects but not starting them... we'd make a fantastic team... that's for sure.

11pm or 12 or 1am ish

OK well somewhere around 11 or 12 ish I finally get tired.  Soooo I pretty much do the asme thing I do in the morning but in reverse.  Well you get the idea.

Right now I'm all in my PJ's and have my fuzzy warm socks on and I'm just going to brush my teeth and then head to dream land.

Midnight ish to wake up time:

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sleep and dreams and more sleep... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Then I wake up and repeat.  Like that counting crows song where he says... "I always do the same things, over and over."

That's me.  Same stuff over and over and over.  Nothing too exciting.  But that's my typical day in the life of me!  I'd do a weekend edition... but it's pretty much me sleeping in till 12 staying in my PJ's as long as possible and then maybe going to the coffee shop or something.  I'm sure there's something I missed but this has actually been harder than I thought!

Actually, try writing out your entire day... it's not as easy as one might think it would be!

Well... this is the end of my day... I'm off to get some sleep.  Goodnight!

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