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It’s just tooooooo hot for long hair!

I was holding out to try and do locks of love again.  But it's just tooooooooo hot for long hair.  Right now my hair looks like something Rod Stewart would sport... or at least maybe a Rod Stewart impersonator.



Seriously... that's about what my hair looks like right now.  It's just bad.  So I've decided that I REALLY think I'm going to go back to the short spikey gel thing I had going on last year.  Cuz... well... that seems to be what the ladies dig!  Apparently the Rod Stewart impersonator look isn't in right now.

As well there are a few other reasons why I've decided to get my hairs cut up...

A: the long hair gets all tangly and I have to constantly get out the knots!  I hate that.  Girls, I don't know how you do that especially with REALLY long hair!  Kudos to you.

B: it's just hot and sticky and icky... wait... I said that already.

C: I'm using up tooooooo much shampoo.  Shampoo isn't cheap!

Ok that's enough reasons... you get the point.  Anywho I think I want to do it this weekend.  Soooo I might get a haircut this weekend!  Maybe.  We'll see... I always get scared when I go to get a haircut!

Then I have to do that thing for the next few days where EVERYONE I see points out that I got a haircut because I might not have known that my hair was cut.

Person: "HEY you got a haircut!"

Me: "Yep.  That I did... That I did."

Person: "Ok I just wanted to let you know that... I didn't know if you knew that your hair was cut or not... so I just thought I'd point it out!"

Me again: "Thanks.  I, kinda, had an idea that something was different up there.  I just wasn't totally sure exactly what it was... but now that you mention that... you've cleared up a lot of confusion for me!"


I'll prooooobably post like a before/after pic thingy.  🙂  Any excuse to play around with my camera!

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