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I need to start packing for Maine!

Ok, I just realized it's already Tuesday and I leave for Maine on Saturday!  Ahhhhhhhh.  I need to pack!  I def need to be packed up and ready to go Friday night when I go to sleep because I'll be working this Saturday overtime and then leaving RIGHT after work to head to the Hartford area to stay with old time family friends peeps over night and then continue on my way up to camp.

So I think definitely starting tonight I'll start sorting out what to take and what not to take etc. etc.  I know for a fact that I do NOT need 12 pairs of pants like and a thousand million shirts like I always bring.  I'm totally just going to actually do laundry this year instead of going the whole 2 weeks without doing any laundry.  Note to self: Pack lighter and just do laundry.

The other thing I always do is bring all this crap I don't actually end up using.  So I'm just going to only bring stuff I REALLY think I'm going to need.  I know the old saying is "better to have it and not need it than to not have it and need it"  I don't know about that.  I mean, especially when you have to carry stuff through the woods to a cabin and back... it's probably better to just do without.  It's only 2 weeks anyways... I think I'll be ok.

I definitely will be bringing up my folding bike.  That was just AWESOME to have and super useful.  I will need all my music stuffs to compose and working on some new tunes while i'm hanging out.

Anywho I can't wait!  I just have to remember to take my plants over to my moms house so that they can be watered and read to (ok maybe not read to) while I'm away.  But maybe if she won't read to my plants they can at least be put next to the other plants at her house and they can be friends and chill and hang out in the sun together and share plant stories.

I wonder what plants would talk about if they could talk?

The running joke between my old college roomie and myself is that every plant I have is named Robert (Plant).  Since we both do music we had a plant while we roomed together named Robert Plant.  Yep. Named after this guy...

So yes I can't wait.  I always LOVE the drive up to New England.  It's a bit long but it's always a wonderful drive.  I love the last bit as things get more and more tree covered and the smell of pine trees is in the air.  And there are more and more mountains.  It's just a great sight.

I think one day I want to live in the New England or Boston area.  I definitely could see myself moving up that way at some point and maybe getting an IT job there or trying to make it in music in Boston.

But for now I'll just enjoy my two weeks up there.

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