BennyEast.Com/Blog The official blog of Kenny West


Navigation Update

Hey all.  Hope everyone is having a super fantastic Sunday.  This post isn't going to be very interesting or funny or any of that.  It's not some crazy story about my dreams last night of which I had two of them.  Although they were somewhat interesting and are worth mentioning.

Dream A: They changed "Dancing With The Stars" to "Sleeping With The Stars" and there were a bunch of parents going to protest the morality of it.  They asked me to come along I said "But I'm not a parent."  They said to me  "that I would be some day and I should care now instead of caring someday."  Makes sense.  I suppose just because I'm not in that role life right now, I will eventually be some day so I shouldn't NOT take interest in things just because they do not currently pertain to me (double negative in there I'm aware).

Dream B: I was chillin in an igloo songwriting with Sting.  It was fun.  We came up with some good ideas, but I had no way to write them down and then I woke up and probably wouldn't have been able to play the stuff we came up with anyways because when you do music in dreams it's awesome.  When you try to replicate it in real life.  It doesn't sound so hot.  It's even less good when you "sleepbox".  Apparently one time I was making beats in my sleep or so my roommate from college told me.   He said he woke up one night and I was beat boxing and singing and mimicking guitar sounds in my sleep.  Awesome.

So this is just a basic post to inform everyone that, no, your computer/internet/browser isn't broken.  I changed the header navigation thing on my site and did away with the drop down.  Now all the links are just directly there and clickable instead of being under categories.

But you should still "Listen" "Read" and "See" more (just not butts)

I know... I know... some of you might be asking "But WHY?!?!?!"  I liked the little dropy downy thingy.

Well... I found out that on my iPhone in safari when I was trying to show a family friend at this wedding I was at something on my site a while back the drop down things didn't seem to work!  the only way I could get to the page was because I knew the direct link to it.  Otherwise it wouldn't have worked.  I'd rather have my site functional than look cool.  So I've been meaning to remove the drop downs for a while and replace them with just all the pages.  I also have entirely tooooooo many pages full of junk on my site.  So my next step is to consolidate and clean up and take out some of the stuff that isn't really all that important.  It's a bit overwhelming having SOOOOOO much content.  Or so I was told on more than one occasion by a few friends.

One friend said, "Man, your site is CONFUSING.  I can't freaking figure out what the heck i'm clicking on dude!"

The more I looked at the site as a whole in Dreamweaver... the more I was like... damn, he's totally right!

So I'm De-Confusifying it.  So hopefully it will be easier to navigate and find things!

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